The FOLLOW UP study - a natural experiment comparing the clinical and cost-effectiveness of follow-up strategies after radical treatment for prostate cancer.

id : NIHR150376
award_type : Research
award_title : The FOLLOW UP study - a natural experiment comparing the clinical and cost-effectiveness of follow-up strategies after radical treatment for prostate cancer.
award_amount : 1843984.2
award_amount_disp : 1,843,984.27
hrcs_health_category : Cancer
rac_code : 7.1 Individual care needs
research_type : Primary Research
programme : Health Technology Assessment
award_status : Contracted
contracting_org : Imperial College London
centre : NETSCC
contracting_org_title : Contracting Organisation
start_date : 2024-07-01T23:59:59.000+0000
end_date : 2028-06-30T23:59:59.000+0000
lead_investigator_title : Chief Investigator
lead_investigator_name : Professor Rakesh Heer
lead_investigator_orcid : 0000-0003-1952-7462
co_investigator_name : Associate Professor Philip Cornford,Dr Ajay Aggarwal,Dr Ann Henry,Dr Janette Kinsella,Dr Steven MacLennan,Mr Jonathan Aning,Mr Krishna Narahari,Professor Alison Richardson,Professor Caroline Moore,Professor Gillian Rowlands,Professor Graeme MacLennan,Professor James Catto,Professor Jan van der Meulen,Professor John Staffurth,Professor Linda Sharples,Professor Luke Vale
co_investigator_orcid : ,0000-0001-9645-6659,0000-0002-5379-6618,0000-0003-3807-9503,0000-0002-2691-8421,0000-0001-6189-4720,0000-0003-0257-7033,0000-0003-3127-5755,0000-0003-0202-7912,0000-0001-7388-7771,0000-0002-1039-5646,0000-0003-2787-8828,0000-0002-9451-2335,0000-0002-7834-3172,0000-0003-0894-966X,0000-0001-8574-8429
research_call : Follow-up strategy after radical treatment for prostate cancer
call_id : 21/535
award_website :
jl_rep_title : Journals Library Report
highlighting :
full_contracting_org : Imperial College London
full_co_investigator_name : Associate Professor Philip Cornford,Dr Ajay Aggarwal,Dr Ann Henry,Dr Janette Kinsella,Dr Steven MacLennan,Mr Jonathan Aning,Mr Krishna Narahari,Professor Alison Richardson,Professor Caroline Moore,Professor Gillian Rowlands,Professor Graeme MacLennan,Professor James Catto,Professor Jan van der Meulen,Professor John Staffurth,Professor Linda Sharples,Professor Luke Vale
_version_ : 1780177608603861000
start_year : 2024
full_lead_investigator_name : Professor Rakesh Heer